Monday, February 23, 2009

I found my inner goofy!

Good report cards earned Jake and Hattie a 'ditch day' so Friday at 4:45am, we rolled the kiddies out of bed and into the van and drove up to Tahoe to enjoy the snow!  Met up with some friends at Diamond Peak which has a great kids program.  Boarding (Mike Jake and I) and skiied (Hattie and the twins) all day Friday and Saturday.  Great time had by all and no major injuries.  Twins are now doing the bunny slope on their own.  Hooray!  We're doing the snow dance in hopes that we'll get enough snow to do another trip this winter.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

I do like

napping in the sun on a 70degree February day.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I do not like

sneezing while eating Raisin Bran.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Call me coyote

I just pitched my obnoxious meowing cat out in the pouring rain! Before all the cat lover people track me down, she'll be back inside shortly. Rita's full name is Rita Panchita Senorita de Mexico but I've learned to call her Rita PITA (Pain In The A**. ) She has some serious food issues and meows constantly unless she's parked in front of a full bowl of food. She's even learned to open the cupboard door where we keep the cat food -- she slams her paw into the door and when it bounces out, hooks her claws around it. Fortunately, she hasn't figured out yet how to pop the top on the tupperware container with the cat chow but I'm sure she's working on it. We rescued Rita and her brother from a house we rented in Baja Mexico two summers a go. The mentally unstable owner of the house had locked the kittens into a garage to die. A hero friend picked all the fleas from the kittens and we smuggled them across the border in Tiajuana. Brother Juanito lives with another family in San Francisco. The mom wanted her girls to pick a Spanish name for their cat --  she still doesn't know that they named him after the rapper Lil John! hey hey hey

Hattie's poem to her cats below:

My Kitty Cats

Do you know my two awesome kitty cats?
Bizou is as peaceful as a white dove
Rita is crazy and always eats rats
They are different, both of them I love

When they snuggle they make a ying-yang
One puts her paw on Bizou's brown-black head
When they are asleep, Rita shows a fang
They are sleeping so deeply, they look dead

Nap time is over, they get up and play
After they are awake they start wresttling
Rita and Bizou ran right through clay
When they get crazy they wont start nestling

Even though the day was tough they snuggle
Bizou gets along with dogs like puggles

Wednesday, April 2, 2008 that I'm taking a break from corporate life to be a full-time mom, I no longer have piles of work to avoid that drive me to procrastination via web-surfing. Being the resourceful person I am, I'm creating a blog! a built-in, home-based excuse to dally on the computer rather that chase the dustballs from under the beds.

A few observations after two months at home having plenty of time to catch up on my family, my city, and other stuff.

I LOVE the time with my kids. I HATE the housework.

I LOVE San Francisco. I HATE the totally self-defeating way our city politics/buracracy works (unworks) itself in circles.

I LOVE that so many people are engaged in the current presidential elections. I HATE watching the democrats screw themselves. (see above--maybe they trained as SF Supevisors???)

I LOVE the local food movement. I HATE the plastic wrappers on all the veggies and fruits at Trader Joes.

I LOVE having a new outlet to fritter away my mornings over a cup of joe......